
Zen and the Art of Motor Cycle Maintenance

  Zen and the Art of Motor Cycle Maintenance This book in my view is an enjoyable read but annoyingly without footnotes/ references which makes philosophical analysis so much harder. I saw shades of Melville's Moby Dick, Heidegger’s Being and Time and postmodernism.   The whole book on my view might be regarded as a response to the Koan albeit with some modifications:     And what is good, Phaedrus, And what is not good— Do we ask anyone to tell us these things? Noting Koans are not necessarily meant to be solved as they cann be can be parodoxical statments that focus the mind in a non rational intutive mediative mode.  They can provide one with the answer, over time, but the rtionale is to beak free from mundane anlytics and expernce enligtenment in the Zen Buddhist tradition. What I liked and my thoughts on his Odyssey.   Possibly a candidate to become an enduring classic and embracing ethical values as is appropriate to our technological age. As he sees lacking a dynamic societa

Your Money or your life - life in Australia

  Patrick Byrnes- highway robber, convict & cedar getter Guest blog post by Rachael Byrnes. “ They were a strange and wild set... of desperate ruffians .They are certainly the most improvident men of the world” (John Henderson, Pastoralist, 1840s). As I read the above quote about the cedar cutters of the Nambucca region in the 1840s. I can’t help but think that it could easily be a description of me: a wild ruffian living hand to mouth!! Perhaps that’s going a little too far, but knowing that this small community was home to my great, great, great grandfather, I can’t help but wonder... is there a little bit of Patrick Byrnes in me? My name is Rachael Byrnes, my father, your usual blogger here, is Lindsay Byrnes and his great, great grandfather was a Patrick Byrnes; a highway robber, convict, cedar getter and tavern owner. Boy! Is that a tough infamous bill to live up too!? I can’t claim to be a cunning thief or frontier opportunist but as I read Norma Townsend’s book Valley of the


  Love An overview Love is such a widely used term, yet its definition is extremely challenging. On a lighter note it’s more likely the subject of entertainment and joyful delight, from a highly  skeptical tone to the idealistic, romantic or even as catalyst to the passions and accompanying violence.   On occasions we enjoy seeing children playing together and bringing to bear a world of love and laughter or in the love of a mother celebrating the newborn- well mostly except for occasional unwelcomed feelings of depression.     In a more imaginative mode the wide screen at the movies magnifies feelings and emotions. Those same passionate emotions of love have sustained the topic in literature, novels and the various musical genres but far less so than in the 19 th  century. In the dark side terrorism is always linked to the extreme form of love of a cause and none more so than that  of the modern day suicide bomber. Introduction. The use of love has many more perspectives